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Chocolate Nachos

Although this is a yoga blog I also have a large passion for cooking. I nanny four kids so I constantly have to come up with creative snack ideas. I figure that by posting delicious recipes every once and a while I am practicing Santosha (contentment) which is one of the Niyamas. So yesterday I made what I call chocolate nachos for the kids.

What you need is…

1 large bag of plain pita chips (I used Stacey’s Naked)

.5 C white chocolate chips

.5 C milk chocolate chips

1 Tbs chocolate syrup

All I did was place the pita chip on a large plate (in a thin layer) like I would for nachos. Then put the white chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl and cooked it for 30-45 seconds or until melted. Then I did the same with the chocolate chips and add the chocolate syrup and stir together. Drizzle the white and chocolate melted sauces over the pita chip and place them into the refrigerator for 30 minutes or until the chocolate has hardened and created a coating. Then enjoy!

The kids went crazy for these and although they aren’t the healthiest snack they make a really fun dessert for the family or a group of kids.